Interview: Claudie Arseneault about Common Bonds 2

Interview: Claudie Arseneault about Common Bonds 2

I’m very excited to interview Claudie Arseneault about her Kickstarter for the second Common Bonds anthology. Anthologies are a great way to discover new authors and read more stories around a certain theme. Common Bonds is all about aromantic relationships, because love is so much more than romance. The authors explore the large spectrum of Read More

Cover Reveal: Motes of Inspiration by Claudie Arseneault

I love it when authors do something fun with their covers, like making the artwork line up with previous books in the series. Nerezia, the novella series written by Claudie Arseneault is such a series. If you put all the covers next to each other, they all connect. Today, I have the cover of the Read More

Cover Reveal: The Shards of the Moon by Brendan Noble

It’s my pleasure to share with you the cover for The Shards of the Moon by Brendan Noble! It’s the fifth and final book of The Frostmark Chronicles. The stunning art is made by Mariia Lytovchenko. I absolutely love the colours and the composition. An gem to have on your bookshelf! While it’s always an Read More

Covel Reveal: The Somnia by Alethea Lyons

The second book in the Seer of York by Alethea Lyons is almost here! And we have a cover. Like the first book, it’s a beautiful collection of blue hues forming an omninous landscape. It immediately provokes questions that aren’t answered by the blurb. We can expect another thrilling adventure in the York area. Will Read More

Cover Reveal: So Sing the Barrows by Steve Hugh Westenra

So Sing the Barrows is the upcoming release from Steve Hugh Westenra. He’s known for the dark fantasy The Wings of Ashtaroth and the thrilling The Erstwhile Tyler Kyle. So Sing the Barrows is something comepletely different from the other two but imagine it’s going to be a chonk. Steve likes thicc books. I can’t Read More