Cover Reveal: So Sing the Barrows by Steve Hugh Westenra

So Sing the Barrows is the upcoming release from Steve Hugh Westenra. He’s known for the dark fantasy The Wings of Ashtaroth and the thrilling The Erstwhile Tyler Kyle. So Sing the Barrows is something comepletely different from the other two but imagine it’s going to be a chonk. Steve likes thicc books. I can’t blame him.

Keep your eye out for this one!

So Sing the Barrows

Genre: Nordic Fantasy
Cover Designer: Steve Hugh Westenra in collaboration with Cal Black
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Wytha Naemisdottir is a witch, banished to the frigid mainland for failing to save her king’s newborn child. If she can find a gift worthy of the king’s forgiveness, Wytha can return home alongside her warrior lover and misfit companions. But the mainland is contested territory, and its dense woods are haunted. A black-robed stranger watches her from the coastline, the fishermen who greet her have taken to worshipping a foreign god with ties to Wytha’s southern heritage, and rumours abound of an invader whose vanguard is picking off villages one by one.

Worse still, someone is summoning spectral barrow-wights that attack Wytha’s people. Creatures straight out of myth, pitch-black and faceless, the wights can separate skin from bone with a touch. But uncovering the face of the summoner raises a disturbing question: is a stranger responsible, or is the summoner one of her cherished companions?

As the search for answers entangles Wytha in the sinister politics of mainland, it reveals an uncomfortable connection between the revival of an ancient blood rite known as the wild hunt, the sly tactics of the eastern invader, and Wytha’s own ancestral past. The deeper Wytha and her friends are driven into the forest, the further into disputed territory they find themselves, and the thinner Wytha’s grasp on her sanity.

About the Author

Steve is a trans author of fantasy, science fiction, and horror (basically, if it’s weird he writes it).

He grew up on the eldritch shores of Newfoundland, Canada, and currently lives and works in (the slightly less eldritch) Montreal. He holds advanced degrees in Russian Literature, Medieval Studies, and Religious Studies. His current academic work focuses on marginalized reclamations of monstrous figures. He teaches the History of Satan; Magic, Witchcraft, and Religion; and Religion and its Monsters.

Steve’s books include The Wings of Ashtaroth, The Erstwhile Tyler Kyle, and So Sing the Barrows.

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