Cover Reveal: The Hedgehog Dilemma by Armanis Ar-Feinial

Today we have an exciting cover reveal for Aramanis Ar-Feinial’s newest book, The Hedgehog Dilemma. It’s an urban fantasy retelling of Arthurian tales. A fresh take on old stories, wrapped in an action packed book. Check it out!

The Hedgehog Dilemma

Genre: Urban Fantasy
Cover Design: MIBLart
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After surviving a nuclear meltdown at Area 51, Ted Anderson settles down for a peaceful life, apart from the U.S. military under an assumed name. But his mind will never go silent as each night wakes him up screaming for the ghosts of the past, the dead friends, and the guilt for taking so many lives in his tenure. Settling in Boston, a group of Naive Christians find this suicidal and murderous fae, and for a time Ted Anderson is allowed a little peace with the bubbly Jennifer Miller. As their relationships build, a man who knows Ted’s past named Jeff Clemens of Black Eagle Company, and he threatens to reveal the secret that holds Ted’s lower than life persona.

About the Author

My name is Armanis Arfeinial, and I grew up in the wilderness of Maine, specifically in a city called Norway, from which we became excellent friends with the police who showed up nigh about 3AM faithfully every day! And not so good friends to whomever lived across the street, inviting the police every night with those red and blue loud lights!

I moved down to Boston to study Criminal Justice, some Literature, and some Finance on the side. I love writing and have been doing it since I first watched the Lord of the Rings.

I also like games, fps, though been on a slump lately since I won’t play everyone knows what until they fix their work culture.

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