Cover Reveal: Traitor Son by Melissa Cave

Melissa Cave’s debut is here! Traitor Son is an epic story following Remin and Ophele as a war ends, and it’s the first book in the Empire of the Stars series. The author promises epic battles, political intrigue, and passion. All the ingredient for a great epic fantasy.

Preorder now and it’ll get delivered to your kindle on November first!

Traitor Son

Genre: Epic Fantasy
Release Date: 1 November 2024
Cover Designer: Ebooklaunch
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At the end of a brutal seven-year war, Remin of Andelin promised his knights and soldiers that he would build them a good place, where they would want for nothing as long as they lived.

He will face devils to keep that oath.

In Traitor Son, the first book of the Empire of the Stars series, Remin leads his men to the Andelin Valley, a beautiful and dangerous place where monstrous creatures attack every night, and days are filled with the backbreaking work of building a city. It takes all of his military genius just to keep his people alive until morning, never mind facing threats of bandits, traitors, and the implacable fury of the Divine Emperor of Argence. And none of these are so dangerous to Remin as his new wife: Princess Ophele, the Emperor’s daughter.

Having grown up in an exile prison, Ophele is thrust suddenly into the company of heroes, determined to make amends for her father’s crimes. Somehow, she and Remin must overcome the terrible history of their families, or risk repeating the tragedies that shattered their world.

Traitor Son is about finding love, learning to trust, and the power of one man’s dream. It’s about a hero who is learning to be a husband and father, and a young woman who will find the courage to stand beside him against the world.

Perfect for fans of epic fantasy, noble knights, and tales of resilience and redemption.

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