#indieapril Spotlight: The Darkest Memories by Alyse N. Steves

Genre: Urban Fantasy
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My name is Hadley Gordon. Parahuman mutations: telekinesis and telepathy. Employment: Agency for Parahuman Affairs. Age: twenty-six, not that I remember the first twenty-one. We’ll get back to that. I thought digging through criminals’ minds for a living was hard enough, but then a serial killer came for my friends. The good news? I saw him. I fought him. I survived. The bad news? He got away. Oh, and remember that memory loss thing? Now, my missing memories stand between us and a killer, and he’s determined to finish what he started.

About the Author

Born to a medium in a small town named after a planet, normalcy was never an option for Alyse. Once a feral homeschooled child living with eight dogs, six cats, a house-trained chicken, plus a handful of birds, rabbits, fish, and horses, Alyse grew up with a deep love of nature and animals that has led her on adventures across four countries, twenty-nine states, and a failed attempt at becoming a veterinarian (turns out, you aren’t supposed to faint when administering a vaccine).

Now a somewhat domesticated adult, Alyse’s sense of adventure and creativity has resulted in a science fiction novel, Child of Humanity, a fantasy children’s book, Savannah the Kind, and a superhero serial killer thriller, The Darkest Memories. Her books have been read in eleven countries and have been described as “an outstanding masterpiece,” “thought provoking,” and “complex” by readers. For fun, she earned a Ph.D. in Genetics and Molecular Biology.

A Southern transplant living in California, when Alyse isn’t working at as a toxicologist or writing, she enjoys hiking, dragging more plants into the backyard when her partner isn’t looking, and looking up her niece’s nose during FaceTime calls (“Can you give the phone back to Mommy, honey?”). She lives with her wonderfully supportive partner, part security system/part unhinged attack dinosaur packaged in a bird’s body, and a toddler inhabiting the form of the fuzziest cat in existence.

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